
This API will be removed from React Native as part of the Lean Core effort. Please refer to the community package if you wish to use this component.

However note that more current packages such as • react-native-image-picker for which bindings are available, or • expo-image-picker are recommended instead.

Before you may use this API, you need to link the RCTCameraRoll library to your app and provide a description for your use of the Photo Library.

you need to add RCTCameraRoll.xcodeproj (located in the node_modules/react-native/Libraries/CameraRoll subdirectory of your app) to your project's Libraries tree in XCode, then

you need to specify libRCTCameraRoll.a under Link Binary with Libraries in your app's Build Phases tab.

you also need to set the Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description (or NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription) key under Custom iOS Target Properties in your apps' Info tab.



An alias for the string type

type imageUri = string


An abstract type which can be created using the constructor of the same name. You may call the constructor as cameraDialogConfig() to use the default values.

cameraDialogConfig: (~videoMode: bool=?, unit) => cameraDialogConfig


An abstract type which can be created using the constructor of the same name. You may call the constructor as selectDialogConfig() to use the default values.

selectDialogConfig: (~showImages: bool=?, ~showVideos: bool=?, unit) => selectDialogConfig



Method to check whether the app has permissions to use the camera, takes a callback of type bool => unit.

canUseCamera: (bool => unit) => unit


Method to check whether the app has permissions to record videos, takes a callback of type bool => unit.

canRecordVideos: (bool => unit) => unit


Method to request the Camera dialog given a config (of type cameraDialogConfig) to specify whether the camera is launched in video mode. When an image or video is captured, onSuccess callback is passed the returned imageUri, height and width; onError callback is applied otherwise. As'error is an abstract type

openCameraDialog: ( ~config: cameraDialogConfig, ~onSuccess: (imageUri, ~height: float, ~width: float, unit) => unit, ~onError: 'error => unit ) => unit


Method to request the Image Gallery given a config (of type openSelectDialog) to specify whether images and/or videos should be listed. When an image or video is selected, onSuccess callback is passed the returned imageUri, height and width; onError callback is executed otherwise. As'error is an abstract type

openSelectDialog: ( ~config: selectDialogConfig, ~onSuccess: (imageUri, ~height: float, ~width: float, unit) => unit, ~onError: 'error => unit ) => unit