Pressable is a Core Component wrapper that can detect various stages of press interactions on any of it's defined children.

⚠️ Current Pressable is deprecated, prefer Pressable_ that offers interaction states (eg: pressed state).

How it works

On an element wrapped by Pressable:

onPressIn is called when a press is activated.

onPressOut is called when the press gesture is deactivated.

You can read more about this on the official Pressable documentation.


Current Pressable (deprecated because doesn't provide pressed state).

open ReactNative; [@react.component] let make = () => { <Pressable onPress={_ => Js.log("Pressed")}> <Text> "Press Me"->React.string </Text> </Pressable>; };

Next Pressable (with interactionState)

open ReactNative; [@react.component] let make = () => { <Pressable_ onPress={_ => Js.log("Pressed")} style={({pressed}) => Style.( style(~backgroundColor=pressed ? "rgb(210, 230, 255)" : "white", ()) ) }> {({pressed}) => <Text> {pressed ? "Pressed!" : "Press Me"}->React.string </Text>} </Pressable_>; };