LayoutAnimation API offers a simpler alternative to Animated API. Instead of directly manipulating values for various style props, it suffices to specify the animation to be run before the next render. Specification of the animation should happen in the reducer, before state is updated.

LayoutAnimation is still experimental on Android and needs to be explicitly enabled with the UIManager method setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental. However, as that method should be removed when LayoutAnimation is no longer experimental, the external declaration for it wraps its type in option to avoid runtime errors when that happens. LayoutAnimation may be enabled, if it is not already enabled by default, by means of a statement such as:

switch (UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental) { | None => () | Some(setEnabled) => setEnabled(true) };


configureNext is the method to specify the animation, takes an argument of type layoutAnimationConfig.

configureNext: layoutAnimationConfig => unit

configureNextWithEndCallback is a convenience function, which allows specification of a callback function (of type unit => unit) to be run after the animation, in addition to layoutAnimationConfig.

configureNextWithEndCallback: (layoutAnimationConfig, unit => unit) => unit


layoutAnimationConfig can be created with the layoutAnimationConfig constructor

layoutAnimationConfig: ( ~duration: float, ~create: animationConfig=?, ~update: animationConfig=?, ~delete: animationConfig=?, unit ) => layoutAnimationConfig

or by means of the helper function create

create: ( ~duration: float, ~_type: [ | `spring | `linear | `easeInEaseOut | `easeIn | `easeOut | `keyboard ], ~property: [ | `opacity | `scaleX | `scaleY | `scaleXY] ) => layoutAnimationConfig

animationConfig can in turn be created with the animationConfig constructor

animationConfig: ( ~duration: float=?, ~delay: float=?, ~springDamping: float=?, ~initialVelocity: float=?, ~_type: [ | `spring | `linear | `easeInEaseOut | `easeIn | `easeOut | `keyboard ] =?, ~property: [ | `opacity | `scaleX | `scaleY | `scaleXY]=?, unit ) => animationConfig


There are presets for linear, spring and easeInEaseOut transitions which allow a very straightforward way to setup animation. Presets may either be passed as ready-made layoutAnimationConfig to configureNext and configureNextWithEndCallback as below


or equivalently as already passed to configureNext as



The example below illustrates animated transition (spring) between two views, such as registration and login forms. Animation is specified in the reducer, as below, before state is returned.

open ReactNative; let windowWidth = Dimensions.get(`window).width; type state = {register: bool}; type action = | ToggleRegister; let styles = Style.( StyleSheet.create({ "container": style(~flex=1., ~flexDirection=`column, ()), "screen": style(~width=windowWidth->dp, ()), }) ); [@react.component] let make = () => { let (state, dispatch) = React.useReducer( (state, action) => switch (action) { | ToggleRegister => // Animation should be specified here, before state is updated: LayoutAnimation.configureNext( LayoutAnimation.create( ~duration=500., ~_type=`spring, ~property=`opacity, ), ); // update of the state happens below: {register: !state.register}; }, {register: false}, ); <View style=styles##container> <View style=Style.( {style( ~flex=1., ~width=(2.0 *. windowWidth)->dp, ~left= (state.register ? 0. : 0. -. windowWidth)->dp, ~flexDirection=`row, (), )} )> <View style=styles##screen> <Register /> </View> <View style=styles##screen> <Login /> </View> </View> <Button onPress={_ => dispatch(ToggleRegister)} title={js|Toggle|js} /> </View>; };

Note that above animation specification is that of the spring preset. Accordingly, the animation could have been specified as


or equivalently as
