
Official documentation

Only for projects supporting Native Code. Requires the project to have been created using react-native init or ejected afterwards if created using expo init or create-react-native-app.

PermissionsAndroid provides access to the permissions model avaiable since Android M. While certain permissions are granted by default as long as they are listed in AndroidManifest.xml, dangerous permissions require a dialog. This API will allow you to manage such permissions.



Type for permissions that may be granted to the app. Available permissions are:

Permission.readCalendar Permission.writeCalendar Permission.readContacts Permission.writeContacts Permission.getAccounts Permission.accessFineLocation Permission.accessCoarseLocation Permission.recordAudio Permission.readPhoneState Permission.callPhone Permission.readCallLog Permission.writeCallLog Permission.addVoicemail Permission.useSip Permission.processOutgoingCalls Permission.bodySensors Permission.sendSms Permission.receiveSms Permission.readSms Permission.receiveWapPush Permission.receiveMms Permission.readExternalStorage Permission.writeExternalStorage


Type for the result of a request for some permission. Possible results are:

Result.granted Result.denied Result.neverAskAgain


To be used with the requestWithRationale method. May be created by the constructor of the same name.

rationale: ( ~title: string, ~message: string, ~buttonPositive: string, ~buttonNegative: string=?, ~buttonNeutral: string=?, unit ) => rationale


title is the title of the dialog,

message is the message of the dialog,

buttonPositive is the text of the positive button,

buttonNegative is the text of the negative button (optional), and

buttonNeutral is the text of the neutral button (optional).


An extension of the Js.Dict.t type to allow keys of type Permission.t. Values of keys may be accessed by the get method.



Method to check whether the specified permission has been granted to the app, returns a bool wrapped in a promise.

check: Permission.t => Js.Promise.t(bool)


Method to request the specified permission, returns Result.t wrapped in a promise.

request: Permission.t => Js.Promise.t(Result.t)


Method to request the specified permission with a rationale, returns Result.t wrapped in a promise. It is advised to provide a rationale if users have previously turned off the permission. Rationale will be presented to the user only when necessary. For further information, please refer to the official Android documentation.

requestWithRationale: (Permission.t, rationale) => Js.Promise.t(Result.t)


Method to request multiple permissions within the same dialog prompted to the user, returns dict wrapped in a promise.

requestMultiple: array(Permission.t) => Js.Promise.t(dict)


Getter method to access value of the specified permission in the dict object returned by the requestMultiple method.

get: (dict, Permission.t) => option(Result.t)