Official documentation Functions to access native colors on the target platform by supplying the native color’s corresponding value.
is used to get color information from UI Element Colors.
get: Ios.t => Color.t
Methods to send fallbacks.
is used to get color information from android attributes.
getAttr: Android.t => Color.t
See: R.attr
is used to get color information from android colors.
getColor: Android.t => Color.t
See: R.color
Allow to get color or attr.
You may want to get multiple platform colors in case one is not supported by the system. In this case, you can use the get{n}
function to retrieve the values. You can mix and match Android color and attributes in this call. The first value will be treated as default and rest will be treated as fallback.
Defined up to 7 arguments.
Depending on platform & OS version (and for Android you can have user-defined attrs for colors), this function is used for getting platform colors from strings.
unsafeGet: string => Color.t
The unsafe version of get{n}
where a string can be passed in. This can be any Android resource query, for example: ?attr/colorPrimary
or ?android:attr/colorPrimary
, even resources defined within your Android app. The first value will be treated as default and rest will be treated as fallback.
Defined up to 7 arguments.
The array version of unsafeGet{n}
supporting arbitrary number of fallbacks.
unsafeGetMultiple: array(string) => Color.t
open ReactNative;
let styles =
switch (Platform.os) {
| os when os == =>
PlatformColor.Android.get2(`primary_text_dark, `colorPrimary)
| os when os == Platform.ios => PlatformColor.Ios.get(`label)
| _ => "black"